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SISU (sih-soo)

A Finnish word & concept that I’ve heard my father use nearly my whole life. Though my parents are both a vast mix of ethnicities, SISU is my favorite term used in my family. It wasn’t until I started my career that I began to understand what SISU really means. My father has always described it to me as “true grit, hard work, strength & determination.”

Sisu means to never give up even in the face of adversity & doubt, no matter how big or small the obstacle or goal. 


We are a small women-owned business with a focus on creating a collection of carefully hand-selected vintage & pre-loved clothing & accessories for you & for the planet.

By shopping second-hand & vintage you are helping to keep clothing out of the waste & landfills as well as adding unique, timeless & one-of-a-kind pieces to your closet.

Our goal is to find, restore & give new life to once-loved, forgotten, damaged or discarded pieces & introduce them back into to world.

While the SISU mentality is internal, we hope you will live through that mindset.

Starting with never giving up on the forgotten, damaged or discarded vintage & pre-loved goodies.

Having the determination to help reduce the carbon footprint immediately associated with the fashion industry.

Finding the strength & guts to express yourself with originality, standing out from the crowd and embracing your own style.

Welcome to SISU VINTAGE.


I'm Angel, the owner & curator of SISU VINTAGE.
The idea for SISU VINTAGE came to me early in my career in the fashion industry.
I grew up frequenting local thrift shops & garage sales with my Mom which fueled my love for vintage pieces & one-of-a-kind finds & my desire to restore them.
I eventually went to study fashion design in Los Angeles & from there worked for independent designers as well as some well-known clothing companies here in Southern California.
After learning the ins & outs of mass production, naturally I wanted to move towards a more sustainable position in the industry. With curating vintage & pre-loved I hope to help reduce our carbon footprint & add a bit of quality & flare that is unique to vintage clothing.
SISU VINTAGE was born to continue to share the love for fashion & originality while practicing sustainability without sacrificing style or giving up on forgotten or discarded goodies. We hope you're as excited as we are!
Thanks for your support!